Sunday, October 29, 2017

SDMS conference 2017


I took my wife of 20 years to this great meeting thinking she would be bored.  She met family while I was in meetings, and managed to survive.  We were amazed by the conference facilities, and generous kindness of staff and attendees.
I failed to see many of the "Elder" attendees and buddies I used to pal around with at previous conventions.  Many of the speakers were wonderful, though not all were on topic.  I would venture to say many "Powerpoint " presentations were done in the airport lounge.

My wife and I sure had a great time having dinner at Wolf Gang's in the tower. All in all, the meeting was great, and I learned much, and had no time to read a kindle book, or doze in the meetings.

Great Conference!

I would have hoped to see many others of the "Old Folk'"  but I made some new buddies.  We must remember the future is with our young Sonographers.

Be safe, more to come.


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