Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ultrasound Gel And Surgical Procedures

Many studies have been conducted about the safety of ultrasound gels in the operating room environment.  It is well known that the probe and gel must be sterile to perform invasive procedures.  Without naming any manufacturer, I will stress that all ultrasound procedures that involve breaking the skin, or other invasive means should be sure that the probe and the gel is sterile.  Many gel manufacturers provide sterile gel in packets that are marked.  I urge all clinicians to use these packets and observe sterile techniques.  Here is the link:  Thanks TJW


Ultrasound gels may contain propylene glycol and glycerol, which are neurotoxic in high concentrations. If the needle passes through gel during regional anesthesia, gel may be injected near the nerve. It is unknown if this practice poses a risk for neurotoxicity. Using an animal model, we assessed the histological changes of perineural propylene glycol on nerves. We then assessed three commonly used sterile gels for evidence of neurotoxicity.

Thanks Sonoworld

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